Our top kitchen organisation tips

We’re all guilty of setting our New Year’s Resolutions too high and barely seeing them through to February.

So, why not set yourself a realistic goal this year?

Keeping your kitchen organised might not seem like a big deal, but small goals like this can have big rewards.

We believe in the saying ‘tidy house, tidy mind’ and organisation can soothe the soul!

To help you along the way, here are our top tips:

Start small

We find that starting with one area of the room at a time can make the project more manageable.

Why not tackle the spice cupboard before moving on to the bigger cupboards?

This cuts down the task into small chunks, and you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment each time you move to a new section.

Don’t get sentimental

It’s easy to hold on to things that have no purpose, just because you’ve had them for a long time.

But this is your sign to throw away that frying pan with a broken handle!

Whilst you should keep items that you love, don’t fall into the trap of cluttering your space.

Categorise your items

Once you’ve decided what you want to keep, think about what items you use often and need to be able to access easily.

Now that Christmas is over, you can safely put the serving trays at the back of the cupboard.

Consider which items you use together and place these back accordingly. This will make finding what you need so much easier!

Think about your storage solutions

Even if you have a small space to work with, cleverly picking your storage solutions can transform any kitchen into a Tardis.

Simple design choices, such as drawer organisers or baskets can free up a lot of space.

Or, if you want a bespoke storage solution, consider custom-crafted cupboards that are designed to fit your space perfectly.

Get in touch with our team today.