Make your life easier with meal prepping

When you’re on the go all day, the last thing you want to do is come home and start cooking. But we, sadly, can’t justify ordering a takeaway every day either!

Meal prepping provides a quick fix for when you don’t have the time or energy to cook from scratch, and can help you to make healthier choices.

We’ve outlined some steps you can take to work smarter, not harder:

Learn how to store your food

If you have your heart set on a meal, you don’t want to open the cupboards and find that your ingredients have gone off.

But there are some simple tricks to extend the shelf life of your favourites.

For example, you should keep your potatoes and onions separate. Whilst the pair can work wonders in a recipe, storing them together will increase the speed at which they go off.

Another tip is to put mushrooms in a paper bag before storing them in the fridge so that any excess water will be absorbed.

Label everything

The jar aesthetic seems to be here to stay, but you need to know what’s in every container.

Make sure you have clear labels outlining the contents and expiration dates of any ingredients you decant.

This will help you easily keep track of what’s in the fridge and when it needs to be used.

Make sure you have enough space

With meal prepping, you’ll have a lot going on at the same time. So, you need to make sure you are making the best use of your space.

If you have limited counter space, what can you do to fully utilise this? Can you store any appliances in cupboards?

Are there any smart cupboard features you could introduce? Clever storage solutions will make sure you have all the space you need, without compromising on the design.

Our tailor-made cabinets ensure that your kitchen ticks all the boxes.

Want to make the most out of your kitchen? Contact us.