Bringing the outdoors in: The power of plants

The evenings are finally starting to get lighter and it won’t be long until the sun sets after 5pm…

Yet spring is still a way off! So, we’re doing everything we can to bring a sense of life into our homes.

Why opt for houseplants?

If you have a neutral colour scheme, plants can bring a well-needed pop of colour to your space.

Or if your kitchen has sleek edges and modern appliances, houseplants can add some depth and warmth to make the area seem less rigid.

Aside from the design perspective, introducing houseplants to your space comes with the following benefits:

Purifying the air

Houseplants can provide a breath of fresh air for any space, and we mean that literally.

In the winter, you might not be so keen on opening your windows for fresh air, and why should you when your plants can do the hard work for you?

Keeping the air nice and fresh in your kitchen is vital for encouraging a great environment to cook and spend time with your family.

A sense of calm

Kitchens can get a bit chaotic, especially when you are running around trying to get the lunch boxes prepared!

Plants such as Jasmine and Lavender which are thought to have stress-relieving effects can be fantastic and colourful addition to your kitchen.

If you are looking for a plant with a calming effect, a peace lily is a great option.

You can eat (some of) them

If you use a lot of herbs in your cooking, you could benefit from growing your own.

Herbs, such as basil and mint, are easy to keep and allow you to have a steady supply of your favourite ingredients.

Open shelves or windowsills are the perfect places to show off your plants.

Get in touch for advice on your kitchen design.